A bit about me >>

I am Vishwa aka code-reaper08 in the internet. I like to innovate, automate and have fun!

I live in TamilNadu, India and proudly speak Tamil!

I am a senior year student, pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering. I love to paint, take pictures and play football.

I started this blog to document my semi-professional journey in the Open Source domain. I am also planning to blog about my academic stint (nearing completion). You can expect me to blog from an array (when saying arrays I mean it!) of topics, such as,

let interests = ["Frontend", "Backend", "Design", "Blockchain", "Web3"]; console.log("Now continue reading...")

While the above topics interets me more, I also have a knack for cosmology and philosophy.

Beware >>

I'll do some occasional rants and poems too!

Plans >>

I am planning to make this blog a nostlagic place for my future self!

I also plan to write both in english and tamil regularly.

What I know >>

├── Languages I know and use/
│   ├── Python
│   ├── JavaScript
│   ├── CPP
│   ├── CSS
│   └── MARKUPS/
│       ├── HTML
│       ├── XML
│       └── Markdown
├── Frameworks I know and use/
│   ├── FRONTEND/
│   │   ├── ReactJS
│   │   ├── VueJS
│   │   ├── Hugo
│   │   ├── NextJS
│   │   └── NuxtJS
│   ├── CSS/
│   │   ├── PureCSS
│   │   ├── TailwindCSS
│   │   ├── Bootstrap
│   │   ├── MaterialUI
│   │   └── ChakraUI
│   └── BACKEND/
│       ├── NodeJS (RUNTIME)
│       └── ExpressJS (Server)
├── Other Tools I know and use/
│   ├── Editors/
│   │   ├── Vim
│   │   ├── VSCode
│   │   └── Sublime Text 3
│   └── Shell/
│       ├── bash
│       ├── zsh
│       ├── poweshell
│       └── cmd
├── Databases I know and use/
│   ├── SQL/
│   │   ├── POSTGRESQL
│   │   └── MYSQL
│   └── NoSQL/
│       ├── Mongodb
│       └── Firestore
├── Design Tools I know and use/
│   ├── Figma
│   ├── Canva
│   ├── Adobe Photoshop
│   └── GIMP
└── Other/
    ├── Chrome extension development
    ├── Firefox add-on development
    ├── Sublime Text package development
    ├── VSCode Extension development
    ├── PYPI package development
    └── npm module development